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UK Housing Wiki

Kincaidston is a council housing estate in the town of Ayr, south-west Scotland. The estate was built in the 1970s.

The streets are named after flowers - for example, Iris Court and Honeysuckle Park - although the main road that runs right around the estate is called Kincaidston Drive. The area used to be a working farm and the soil is clay-based and of very good quality.

Most of the houses are now privately owned but approximately 250 remain council-owned or belong to Digital who built the estate with council for workers at the old Digital up the road. There is now a major parking problem as the planners underestimated car ownership in the future on the estate. Traffic calming road bumps have also been introduced to slow cars on Kincaidston Drive although all this appears to do is make the boy racers drive faster between bumps.
